Sunday, 31 August 2008

''Nani's lullaby''

This painting brings back so many memories from home.
The ever-so-therapeutic presence of ''Thamma'' (bengali), ''nani'' (hindi) or ''grandmom''.
I was reminded of this particular bengali rhyme (there are, oh, so many of them) which is extremely popular back home and is very often sung to put a baby to sleep.
I will probably write it along the sides of the canvas so it stays with the painting, as sweetmango suggested.
I have finished my painting on the kite festival!!!.....will post it soon.
It was a brilliant suggestion, thank you.
Have a great weekend ladies.

Friday, 29 August 2008

Ideate with me.........

I am working on my next painting for the series ''desi tales'' and will post it in a couple of days. Yesterday, I was going through the very long list of festivals, traditions, cultural and social themes that would fit into this series. I have shortlisted a couple for the next two paintings, but I thought I'll ask You what is it that you would like me to paint next in this series. Lets see if we are thinking alike.

Leave a comment with a theme of your choice e.g a particular festival, or a particular social gesture that is typically Indian. I am not sure if I'll be able to execute it right away, but lets ideate and see what comes through!

Thanks and big hugs to all of you, I loved reading your feedback on my recent posts.

à bientôt..dee.


Thursday, 28 August 2008

Angels at Anjhuna

Goa, India.

June, 2005.

Tuesday, 26 August 2008


(*To turn off the blog background music while watching this video,

scroll down to ''deez music'' on the right hand side bar

and click on the pause button on the playlist, pls*)

This is Holi, the festival of colours, the festival of celebrations!

When I google searched ''holi'' so that I could put hyperlinks to my post, I found that wikipedia describes it as a hindu spring festival. Technically that is indeed the correct definition. But so far as I am concerned, confining holi to a religion can do just that to the spirit of the festival, confine it. This is one day when EVERYONE plays with one another, it does not matter who you are, where you come from.

Everyone comes out dressed in pure white, prepared with a pouch of colours, the deadlier the better!! After a couple of hours, it is not very easy to tell who is who!!! You can only see yellow, pink and green faces. We dance to music and move around in groups with friends, visiting everyone, drowning them in colour, relish a grand feast of traditional delicious sweets and beverages after the colour play is over!! The most fun is in pulling out the shy ones to play, most often they would almost hide in their rooms and dread the event. But after a while, no matter what your age or temperament, it a joyous occassion.

The painting, third in the series, took pretty long to finish it, a burst of colour on a white wall.

I block printed the sides of the canvas with gold on dark green, adds a beautiful ethnic antique-y look to the block of colour!

Monday, 25 August 2008

Jane's wonderful Folk Art

Salut mes amies, how was your weekend? I had a super hectic fun saturday and a very lazy relaxed (though chore filled) sunday :((
I meant to post this yesterday but had to rush off to the grocery store to get some paranthas.

Jane from Gritty Arts Studio is starting the folk art doll workshop. I have never made dolls before and I am slightly nervous about the stiching part......... but Jane reassures that its basic level stiching so I think I will manage. I can imagine how wonderful it must feel to bring your art to life, give them another dimension, and I can almost see my pretty desi dolls hanging in my studio above my desk!!!

I am sharing some pictures of her charming doll creations that I found on her blog. Jane also has an amazing youtube channel with some very cool art videos. So much to learn from her.

Bisous à tous!

Monday, 18 August 2008

Resolved ebay issues after 2 hours of Live Help support :(((

Phew! Yeterday, I realised that I could not access my gmail account registered with ebay, and this is the day that my first auction ended...LOL!!! I was on this case for all evening yeserday and all morning today, could not retrieve the gmail account. However, its true that if you keep on trying in the grimmest of situations and dont give up, you will find a way. I logged in to live help on ebay. I got the most patient hepful and efficient help provider on ebay I think. He disentangled and cleared the mess and now I am so relieved. I updated my new email registered with ebay, connected it to the existing paypal account and now I think the situation is undercontrol. At least I know what went wrong and know what not tod o in the future. I am posting this because I have not been able to keep up with blog posts due to this self created mess. Thanks you guys for being patient and most of all, thank you for your most lovely comments, your support for my ebay store and your appreciation on my last few posts. It make the biggest difference to me. LOVE. THANK YOU.

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

For my SUNFLOWER friends


My new entry to my ebay , click on the picture to view details

and read the story behind these sunflower ladies :)

*10 days for the auction to end*

Monday, 11 August 2008

New hair colour and new painting

The highlights look much better indoors, kinda scary when I go out!!! But I am happy that I experimented a little bit coz I had the same long black hair for too long.
Suzi was also talking about her hair in the last video and I could completely relate to her dilemma with colour and how it looks different with changing light intensities.
The painting is not finished, but it should be there by tomorrow.

deez update

Played around with my blog layout.I want to to have a nice background now.
This is what I am doing today:
1. learning all about hyperlinks
2. visit the post office
3. finish a painting!

A video of wat is known to be one of largest pyromelodic fireworks in the world, on the lake on the 9th!

Yesterday was the last day of the fête and we drank from the giant cocktail was fun! Setting up the ebay auction site was a big step forward, but now i have to work on the listings. Painting work going on at home, I hope I do get time to go to the post office before it closes down.

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Ebay store and new auction listing, NERVOUS +EXCITED !!! :(((

For those of you who haven't read my previous post on ebay issues, here is an update. I was struggling with ebay as they had all the registration form etc. for Switzerland in German. I was overwhelmed by an overdose of information in German and gave up all hopes of ebay-ing.

Yesterday, I gathered a lot of courage and decided to give it one more try. I opened the ebay registration page for Switzerland and an online German-English translation page next to it. After a couple of hours of grappling with forms and linking accounts and email ids, I finally got my ebay store opened!!!!! FINALLY!!!!
I have listed one of my favourite paintings (Trois Soeurs), that I had saved for a special occassion, to start my store. Do check it out, the auction ends in 9 days.

Thanks to all you lovelies who have constantly been supportive and encouraging. Thank you Jennifer for your constant ideation with me and helping me resolve and move on. Means a lot.

Love and smiles.

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

One of my favourite contemporary hindi pop artists, Sona.

A very strong sufi influence and a Indian classical base with a lot of soul.

My kinda music. Hope you like it.

Sunday, 3 August 2008


What makes YOU shrink?
mY eNtRY 4 Inspire Me Thursday
Journal entry

fête in full swing!!

''Chez Mir'' Tandoori chicken or samosas?

A Swiss fête is never complete without a MOOOOOOOOOO!!!

French pop

Candy mela

Avec alcool ou sans?

Cool Coco Noix

Art exhibit

Live painting (reproductions of Van Gogh, Vinci, Degas, Titian, Modigliani,.....)

Friday, 1 August 2008


Hello everyone! I am sorry wasn't around for a long time, missed all of you so much. How have you been? I have so much of catching up to do with all of your blog posts.

Here is what I was up to last week. Suziblu's last video on youtube led me to Anahata Katkin's website ( and blog. I had not been working with my journal for a long time. However, looking at her work, I had to go back and try some of the techniques that she tips on (useful tips in her FAQ section, also, check out her flickR)

Here is a selection from my last weeks work. I always tend to go back to some pages and work on them, write over, paint over, or completely alter .... so I can't say these pages are done, but this is what they look like NOW.
Its way past midnight here and its Swiss National day so I can hear some music and fireworks around lac leman, but I am off now. Will check back tomorrow to see your feedback.

à demain.

love n hugs, dee.

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