Friday, 31 December 2010


Remembering you all from the land of spices and sweets.
Am thankful today:
for art to have come into my life,
for all you wonderful people -
for your love, support.
Am inspired,
to go forward and explore:
there is so much more to be seen and felt.
The date on the canvas changes again,
for whatever happened
and whatever did not;
no regrets,
no expectations:
there is a long way ahead;
the journey is the destination indeed.
Am thankful today.

Best wishes for the new year,
as Coelho says, 'May the universe conspire
to make all your dreams come true'.


Inspired Mermaid said...

Dear lady across the miles-always warm thoughts your way - I love your blog design

Miriam said...

Bellissime le tue parole e i sentimenti di gratitudine, ho letto nelle tue parole tanta dolcezza e amore, è sempre bello passare da te e respirare la tua magia e la tua sensibilità!
Ti auguro tanto bene e tanta serenità per questo Nuovo Anno 2011!

Designwali said...

Happy new Year! I look forward to seeing your work in 2011!

Unknown said...

aww...what a beautiful thot to start a fresh new year!!! CHEERS!!!


rupa said...

Happy New Year to you Dee! May all your wishes/dreams come true as well. Looking forward to more posts/paintings in 2011 and hope you are having a blast in India. May you be infinitely inspired by Mother India (how is it not possible to be inspired by all those colorful things all around right?)!

Dora said...

yumm..the peetha looks fab

Somdatta Bhattacharya said...

That the journey is the destination, and that the things that did not happen have made us as much as the things that did, how many of us understand these beautiful concepts and appreciate them through sad and good times? My heartfelt congratulations for getting the right nuances right! Love.

Dithi said...

Renée: welcome to Deezden n thank you!

Miriam: Thank you so much, you are very kind :), have a suoer 2011!

Designwali: To you too, have a good one!

Riddhi: Thanks!

Rupa: yes, I soaked in the sights, sounds, tastes, all of it, as much as I could. Have a super 2011!

Dithi said...

Dora: yes, peethé rocks!

Jija: :), hugs xox

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